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Kontrapunkte Podcast

The Kontrapunkte Podcast is back with a new episode in english. The guest for this episode is Dr. Reinekke Lengelle. She is a researcher, poet, and associate professor with Athabasca University, Canada and The Hague University, The Netherlands. Her area of expertise is writing for personal developement. She is the co-creator of “Career Writing” where writing narratively and dialogically is a means by which to develop and contemplate career identity. Her autoethnographic book “Writing the Self in Bereavement” (Routledge) came out in 2021 and has won two research awards, including the Qualitative Inquiry Book Award 2022.

We recorded this episode in 2023 and will be talking about writing with agency, spiritually inclined agnosticism and narrative blockages. If you are interested in any of these topics give this episode a listen and let yourself be inspired to write.

You can find more about „Writing the Self“ and Reinekke Lengelle on her website.

Jaana Kretzschmar ist studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl Intercultural Social Transformation und dem Zentrum für globale Fragen. Sie studiert an der Hochschule für Philosophie und interessiert sich schwerpunktmäßig für interkulturelles Philosophieren und sozio-kulturelle Transformationsprozesse.

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Jaana Kretzschmar (2. April 2024). Kontrapunkte Podcast. Kontrapunkte. Abgerufen am 15. September 2024 von

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