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Verschlagwortet: Peace

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Voices from (the) Off

Off-University // Off-University creates new strategies to uphold and sustain academic life and knowledge threatened by anti-democratic and authoritarian regimes. It was established for and by academics from Turkey yet addresses itself to academics all over the world. We aim to bring together people and institutions that share

Peaceful Religious Encounters (2/2)

Ram A. Mall // The Concept of an interculturally and interreligiously oriented „analogous hermeneutics of overlapping contents” beyond the hermeneutics of total identity and radical difference. The globally present multicultural and multireligious context today has made one thing abundantly clear: The de facto intercultural and interreligious hermeneutic situation has outgrown the Greco-European and …

Peaceful Religious Encounters (1/2)

Ram A. Mall // The central question I ask here and try to answer is: What is it in the innermost self-understanding of religions, which hinders or promotes interreligious, interfaith and even intrafaith dialogues, communication and understanding?
The central thesis proposed, discussed and defended here is the following: Religio perennis (the Vedic motto…